Elliot’s Expose
Blog response instructions:• Answer the questions in complete sentences and use proper English (restrain from using MSN chat style of writing).
• Use evidence from the novel to support your answer and include page numbers.
• When commenting to your peers, be respectful in your language and about their responses. It is okay to disagree, but do it in a polite manner.
When Elliot writes about his experience with the Jock Rots and sends it out over the KidNet, he includes the following quote in his letter.
"I think people ought to realize that stuff like this goes on every day…The rest of you are all part of it-because you let it go on and maybe you think it's funny, or you think it only happens to geeky outsiders and kids who are smaller or fatter or skinnier or don't have so many friends or so much money as you. So tell me-what happens when you don't have so many friends one day, or you don't have so much money, or something bad happens to you?" (91-92)
Blog Question:
What is the message is he trying to get across to his classmates? (6pts)
Two Peer Responses (4 pts)
I think what Elliot is trying to get across to his peers is basically, when someone gets bullied and you laugh or just let the bully keep bullying, you should think about how you would feel to be in the victim's place.
The message Elliot is trying to get across to his peers is a strong message because none of the other people really felt the pain Elliot has like on page 59, when Elliot gets thrown off the bridge. Since no one really listens to Elliot, Russell and Catalina they express their feelings through "KidNet". People don't realize, when they laugh at someone getting picked on that those victims have feelings and instead of helping, the bystander is making the problem worse like Elliot said on page 92.
The book The Revealers reminds me of when the sixth grade last year had to talk to Ms. Amy about bullying. The whole story of The Revealers could have been a real story, because these things do happen in real life, but maybe not as extreme violence. This quote by Elliot basically says if you see someone getting bullied stop the bully and if you let the victim keep getting bullied, bullying will never stop!!!
Faraaz, you did a very good job with all of the information, it looks like you really put a lot of time into it and it is a very good post, but at the very beginning it is not very clear what you are trying to say.
Farazz, I really like your answer useing the example when Elliot gets dropped downed the bridge. But the biginning is not that clear.
I think that your post is very easy to understand. You gave 2 page numbers from the book and gave a good explanation about the message that Elliot was trying to give. But maybe you should check if you didn't forget anything. On the last paragraph you put "This quote by Elliot says if you see someone...". You should either add a comma between says and if or add the word that in between says and if. Overall, I thought it was really good.
I think you mainly explained what happened before to elliot about how he fell of the bridge but i really liked your ending and u talked about last year.
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